Arrival Back Home

Finish Your Time Capsule Retrieval Folder

There are just a few more tasks to complete your part of this adventure. You can’t afford to overlook these steps because all too frequently, a return to your home base means that you immediately drop everything and move right back into your old routine. So don’t jeopardize the success of this venture. Finish your time capsule retrieval folder.

The Arrival Back Home: Finish Your Time Capsule Retrieval Folder

When You Return Home:

1. Immediately duplicate the information from your original Geocapsuling Sheet onto the second set of Retrieval Folder forms and place one copy in each folder.

2. Make dual photo print copies of your adventure

3. Distribute photos and data sheets into your two Retrieval Folders.

Make two Time Capsule Retrieval Folders with your Arrival Back Home.
Place topographical maps in your Time Capsule Retrieval Folder with your Arrival Back Home

4. Using the EXACT GPS coordinates of your drop site, you can now get a precise location of the drop site on a Google Earth map (See References page). Enter your coordinates, print copies of your drop site map, and insert the prints into your two Retrieval Folders. You can also grab a photo from Google Earth. 
5. If this is a long-term time capsule, keep one Retrieval Folder in your private file. You might also keep another copy of the GPS coordinates in your safe deposit box.Arrival Back Home: Long term storage for the Time Capsule Retrieval Folder

6. Give the second Retrieval Folder to a young Fail-Safe relative.
7. Fill out the International Time Capsule Society form (link available on our References page) and relay the GPS coordinates of your drop site to them.
8. Send an “e-mail to the future” (link available on our References page) to several people with details of where to locate the Geocapsuling data forms you filled out. (Do not send the actual GPS coordinates to this unsecured site.)

A complete top-to-bottom thumbnail checklist for your Geocapsuling Adventure (including this Arrival Home Checklist) is available on the FAST TRACK To Geocapsuling page.

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